Facebook has instituted a new policy whereby page owners may not accept payment for sharing content (videos, articles, etc.) that they did not have a hand in creating. What this means is that people such as George Takei, who have very large Facebook followings, cannot post articles on their page and accept payment for said…
YouTube tightens raises traffic requirements for content creators to earn revenue
In response to advertiser complaints, YouTube plans on imposing stricter criteria for the types of videos that can earn revenue and additionally will introduce a new process to vet for the top-shelf videos it offers advertisers. New minimum requirements to participate in the advertising sharing program is that user accounts must have more than 1,000 subscribers…
Facebook to feature friends and family posts more – businesses sure to lose eyeballs on posts
In an attempt to make Facebook ‘more personal’, Mark Zuckerberg announced that the change was being made for the user’s ‘well-being’ over maximizing profits. The change will make it tougher for websites which reply on Facebook traffic to keep their traffic levels and we expect most sites to see substantial declines in non-paid Facebook referral…

Facebook Announces “Engagement Bait” Update
After listening to users express their dislike for spammy posts that try to get them to interact with comments, shares, and likes, Facebook announced today their plans over the coming weeks to fight “engagement bait.” For example, “LIKE this if you want to impeach Trump!” This tactic takes advantage of Facebook’s News Feed algorithm to try to…