Something I had noticed I was doing personally the last few months was just watching Instagram stories and not even opening Snapchat… I can think of only 1-2 instances so far in 2017 i’ve opened Snap up. Now comes an article this week in Techcrunch discussing this same dynamic…. Good enough and convenient. That’s proved…

Push Crew notifications test on EDM Life
No doubt many of you have seen Push Crew and their popup on websites asking you if you want to receive push notifications from the website. As they have a free plan for up to 500 subscribers we’ve decided to do a test and see how it goes. So far not much traction on getting…
Google to ban fake-news websites from running its ads
Today Google announced its advertising tools will soon be closed to websites that promote fake news. This will cut off revenue streams for publications that push hoaxes on platforms like Facebook and may lead to seeing less articles from these websites due to less ad revenue coming in.
Wow! acquired for $900 million!, the contextual ad network primarily generating revenue via providing Bing/Yahoo ads, was just sold for $900mm. Miteno Communication Technology, a Chinese tech conglomerate is the buyer. The founder of, Divyank Turakhia will remain with the company after the sale, which has already closed with a 50% cash down payment with the balance paid…