Bad news for Instagram models and comedy accounts with risky ‘memes’…
Instagram announced today that they will be demoting posts historically shown in the ‘Explore’ tab or hashtag pages if the posts are determined by IG’s artifical intelligence to be edgy, whatever their machine learning determines that to be. This smacks somewhat of censorship by Instagram as posts which do not explicitly warrant removal will still be demoted.
Instagram said:
“We have begun reducing the spread of posts that are inappropriate but do not go against Instagram’s Community Guidelines. This type of content may not appear for the broader community in Explore or hashtag pages.”
Henry Silverman of Facebook noted that:
“As content gets closer and closer to the line of our Community Standards at which point we’d remove it, it actually gets more and more engagement. It’s not something unique to Facebook but inherent in human nature.”
Some examples below are directly from Instagram on what sort of posts will be impacted: